I am experienced doula in Bratislava

I was born in Slovakia but grew up in Lebanon and Czech Republic. I’m from a mixed family and my cultural background enriched me with RESPECT TO INDIVIDUALITY. Every culture I’ ve lived in, has its specifics in customs and traditions. In Slovakia, the customs are to measure good mothers by accomplishments they made and so is the child perceived.

EVERY WOMAN CAN GIVE BIRTH, but only a few are given the space and time to do in their way. EVERY WOMAN WANTS THE BEST FOR HER CHILD, unless she is challenged with well-meant but outdated advices.

I create a safe space for all women where they can share worries, ask for unconditional support, draw new energy or just be themselves.

Alia Valdner


Basic One Year Doula Training
(O.Z. Slovenské duly, 2019)
Basic and Advanced Training as a lactation consultant
(O.Z.Mamila, 2019, 2020)
Accredited physiotherapy training – Pelvic muscles in pregnancy, Diastasis Recti
(Zdravo a fit – Zuzana Woleková, 2020)
Certified seminar of Rebozo care of a pregnant woman and in postpartum period
(Anna Kohutová, 2020)
Crisis intervention in a helping profession I. and II.
(O.Z. Kvapka, 2019,2020)
International lecturer training for infant massages
(IAIM, 2019)
Certified seminar in psychomotive development of infants up to 12 months.
(Bublifit – Marcela Kramplová, 2019)

I offer:

Respectful attitude towards your individual needs

I give various perspectives on situations you live, we find together the best solution, but you have the ultimate word. I’m very calm person, with positive minded, I don’t take NO for an answer.

Knowledge and Skills

Based on recent information from local hospitals, we choose the best birthing place for you.  I also actively participate in different organizations related to birth and postpartum care, so I have access to recent international studies related to mother and childcare Together with my personal experience I bring to my clients the best possible solutions to their needs.

Profound care

I fill the gaps in missing continual care for the mother-to-be. I keep my knowledge updated on new studies and procedures. By the time I developed a network of reliable specialists in different fields a woman or child may need – pediatricians, physiotherapists, masseurs, and others which I am happy to share with you.

After this course you will:

Be ready!

I educate not only WOMEN BUT THEIR PARTNERS too, who become very much needed support, an anchor and reliance in the whole process.

Women, whom I prepare for birth are self-confident, they withstand acute situations, control stress levels and fear and communicate clearly about their wishes. They also respond to their body signals well.  Men are ready to read the signs of their woman, react to her needs, and be there for her at any conditions and circumstances. Their alliance results in harmony, positive experience and well being of a woman and her child too.

I work with non-medical methods:


REBOZO- originally a Mexican technique with woven cloth created by women for women is used in my practice often. A vibration from jiggling abdomen and pelvis brings comfort in pregnancy and eases the birth. The procedure is called Manteada and is deeply relaxing the body and mind.



Herbs have their firm place in my care for pregnant women. They serve as great remedies for common discomforts pregnant women face – like nausea, anemia, heartburn and many other symptoms. For some of you it might be a useful supplement. When I massage women, some request EO (eteric oils) to be added to a massage oil to feel more relaxed. I am happy to provide you with all the comforting

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